


Album Container class for a collection of MediaFile grouped by album. 
Albums Albums wrapper model. 
Artist Container class for a collection of MediaFile grouped by album. 
Artists Artists wrapper model. 
ExternalTokens For each of the external services the boolean value indicates if we have stored a OAuth token for the user. 
Genre Container class for a collection of MediaFile grouped by album. 
Genres Genres wrapper model. 

Media Files are the most important entity in the platform, has many properties, are editable, deletable and streamable. 

MediaFiles Used to get a list of all media files in a specific user's playlist. 
MediaFiles.MediaCollectionCustomParser The Media collection custom parser. 
MediaFileWrapper This class is used as simple MediaFile wrapper for those JSON parser that do not support root elements. 
Model This class is the prototype of each model and defines model's common behaviors. 
Notification Notifications are system messages that the AudioBox will send the user, for example when a Cloud Drive needs to be re-authenticated or if some operation fails. 
Notifications Returns a paginated collection of user's Notifications
Permissions A user can subscribe and manage multiple remote storage services. 
Playlist Playlists are the main containers for Media Files and are represented in the system by an unique token. 
Playlists Used to get a list of all the playlist in the user's account. 
PlaylistWrapper This class is used as simple Playlist wrapper for those JSON parser that do not support root elements. 
Preferences General preferences of the user, mostly used in the Cloud Web Player. 
Stats Bytes long values showing the storage used for each supported storage service and the amount of data that has been streamed. 
User A User can interact with his own files in different ways, depending on the remote storage in play. 
UserWrapper This class is used as simple User wrapper for those JSON parser that do not support root elements.