public class


extends Model
   ↳ java.util.Observable
     ↳ fm.audiobox.core.models.Model
       ↳ fm.audiobox.core.models.Notification

Class Overview

Notifications are system messages that the AudioBox will send the user, for example when a Cloud Drive needs to be re-authenticated or if some operation fails.

There are four different notification levels: `error`, `success`, `info` and `warning`.


Public Constructors
Public Methods
Notification delete(AudioBoxClient audioBoxClient)
Performs a Notification deletion.
String getBody()
Gets the content body of the notification message.
String getCreatedAt()
Gets the UTC creation time in String format.
long getId()
Gets the notification id.
String getLevel()
Gets the severity of the message.
static String getPath()
Gets the generic remote resource path (ID interpolation is needed).
Inherited Methods
From class fm.audiobox.core.models.Model
From class java.util.Observable
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public Notification ()

Public Methods

public Notification delete (AudioBoxClient audioBoxClient)

Performs a Notification deletion. If deletion cannot be accomplished an exception is thrown.

  • true if deletion succeeds
AudioBoxException if any of the remote error exception is detected.
IOException if any connection problem occurs.

public String getBody ()

Gets the content body of the notification message.

  • the message body

public String getCreatedAt ()

Gets the UTC creation time in String format.

  • the UTC creation time

public long getId ()

Gets the notification id.

  • the id of the notification

public String getLevel ()

Gets the severity of the message.

  • the level (one of `error`, `success`, `info` and `warning`)

public static String getPath ()

Gets the generic remote resource path (ID interpolation is needed).

  • the path String