public class


extends Model
   ↳ java.util.Observable
     ↳ fm.audiobox.core.models.Model
       ↳ fm.audiobox.core.models.Playlists

Class Overview

Used to get a list of all the playlist in the user's account.


String PLAYLIST_BOX The constant that identifies the "box" playlist.
String PLAYLIST_CLOUD The constant that identifies the "cloud" playlist.
String PLAYLIST_CUSTOM The constant that identifies "custom" playlists.
String PLAYLIST_DROPBOX The constant that identifies the "dropbox" playlist.
String PLAYLIST_GDRIVE The constant that identifies the "gdrive" playlist.
String PLAYLIST_LOCAL The constant that identifies the "local" playlist.
String PLAYLIST_MEGA The constant that identifies the "mega" playlist.
String PLAYLIST_OFFLINE The constant that identifies the "offline" playlist.
String PLAYLIST_ONERIVE The constant that identifies the "onedrive" playlist.
String PLAYLIST_SMART The constant that identifies "smart" playlists.
String PLAYLIST_SOUNDCLOUD The constant that identifies the "soundcloud" playlist.
String PLAYLIST_YOUTUBE The constant that identifies the "youtube" playlist.
Public Constructors
Public Methods
static Playlist getBoxPlaylist(AudioBoxClient audioBoxClient)

Gets the box playlist.

static Playlist getCloudPlaylist(AudioBoxClient audioBoxClient)

Gets the cloud playlist.

static Playlist getDropboxPlaylist(AudioBoxClient audioBoxClient)

Gets the dropbox playlist.

static Playlist getGdrivePlaylist(AudioBoxClient audioBoxClient)

Gets the gdrive playlist.

static Playlist getLocalPlaylist(AudioBoxClient audioBoxClient)

Gets the local playlist.

static Playlist getMegaPlaylist(AudioBoxClient audioBoxClient)

Gets the mega playlist


static Playlist getOfflinePlaylist(AudioBoxClient audioBoxClient)

Gets the offline playlist.

static Playlist getOneDrivePlaylist(AudioBoxClient audioBoxClient)

Gets the skydrive playlist.

static String getPath()
Gets the generic remote resource collection path.
List<Playlist> getPlaylists()
Gets playlists.
static Playlist getSoundcloudPlaylist(AudioBoxClient audioBoxClient)

Gets the soundcloud playlist.

static Playlist getYoutubePlaylist(AudioBoxClient audioBoxClient)

Gets the youtube playlist.

Inherited Methods
From class fm.audiobox.core.models.Model
From class java.util.Observable
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String PLAYLIST_BOX

The constant that identifies the "box" playlist.

Constant Value: "box"

public static final String PLAYLIST_CLOUD

The constant that identifies the "cloud" playlist.

Constant Value: "cloud"

public static final String PLAYLIST_CUSTOM

The constant that identifies "custom" playlists.

Constant Value: "custom"

public static final String PLAYLIST_DROPBOX

The constant that identifies the "dropbox" playlist.

Constant Value: "dropbox"

public static final String PLAYLIST_GDRIVE

The constant that identifies the "gdrive" playlist.

Constant Value: "gdrive"

public static final String PLAYLIST_LOCAL

The constant that identifies the "local" playlist.

Constant Value: "local"

public static final String PLAYLIST_MEGA

The constant that identifies the "mega" playlist.

Constant Value: "mega"

public static final String PLAYLIST_OFFLINE

The constant that identifies the "offline" playlist.

Constant Value: "offline"

public static final String PLAYLIST_ONERIVE

The constant that identifies the "onedrive" playlist.

Constant Value: "skydrive"

public static final String PLAYLIST_SMART

The constant that identifies "smart" playlists.

Constant Value: "smart"

public static final String PLAYLIST_SOUNDCLOUD

The constant that identifies the "soundcloud" playlist.

Constant Value: "soundcloud"

public static final String PLAYLIST_YOUTUBE

The constant that identifies the "youtube" playlist.

Constant Value: "youtube"

Public Constructors

public Playlists ()

Public Methods

public static Playlist getBoxPlaylist (AudioBoxClient audioBoxClient)

Gets the box playlist.

NOTE: this method will always make a request against AudioBox, use carefully. If you want to avoid this behavior consider storing the playlist collection within your application and use findPlaylistByType(java.util.List, String) in combination with the Playlists#PLAYLIST_* constants to get the right playlist from the memory.

audioBoxClient the AudioBoxClient to use to make the request
  • the box playlist
AudioBoxException if any of the remote error exception is detected.
IOException if any connection problem occurs.

public static Playlist getCloudPlaylist (AudioBoxClient audioBoxClient)

Gets the cloud playlist.

NOTE: this method will always make a request against AudioBox, use carefully. If you want to avoid this behavior consider storing the playlist collection within your application and use findPlaylistByType(java.util.List, String) in combination with the Playlists#PLAYLIST_* constants to get the right playlist from the memory.

audioBoxClient the AudioBoxClient to use to make the request
  • the cloud playlist
AudioBoxException if any of the remote error exception is detected.
IOException if any connection problem occurs.

public static Playlist getDropboxPlaylist (AudioBoxClient audioBoxClient)

Gets the dropbox playlist.

NOTE: this method will always make a request against AudioBox, use carefully. If you want to avoid this behavior consider storing the playlist collection within your application and use findPlaylistByType(java.util.List, String) in combination with the Playlists#PLAYLIST_* constants to get the right playlist from the memory.

audioBoxClient the AudioBoxClient to use to make the request
  • the dropbox playlist
AudioBoxException if any of the remote error exception is detected.
IOException if any connection problem occurs.

public static Playlist getGdrivePlaylist (AudioBoxClient audioBoxClient)

Gets the gdrive playlist.

NOTE: this method will always make a request against AudioBox, use carefully. If you want to avoid this behavior consider storing the playlist collection within your application and use findPlaylistByType(java.util.List, String) in combination with the Playlists#PLAYLIST_* constants to get the right playlist from the memory.

audioBoxClient the AudioBoxClient to use to make the request
  • the google drive playlist
AudioBoxException if any of the remote error exception is detected.
IOException if any connection problem occurs.

public static Playlist getLocalPlaylist (AudioBoxClient audioBoxClient)

Gets the local playlist.

NOTE: this method will always make a request against AudioBox, use carefully. If you want to avoid this behavior consider storing the playlist collection within your application and use findPlaylistByType(java.util.List, String) in combination with the Playlists#PLAYLIST_* constants to get the right playlist from the memory.

audioBoxClient the AudioBoxClient to use to make the request
  • the local playlist
AudioBoxException if any of the remote error exception is detected.
IOException if any connection problem occurs.

public static Playlist getMegaPlaylist (AudioBoxClient audioBoxClient)

Gets the mega playlist

. NOTE: this method will always make a request against AudioBox, use carefully. If you want to avoid this behavior consider storing the playlist collection within your application and use findPlaylistByType(java.util.List, String) in combination with the Playlists#PLAYLIST_* constants to get the right playlist from the memory.

audioBoxClient the AudioBoxClient to use to make the request
  • the mega playlist
AudioBoxException if any of the remote error exception is detected.
IOException if any connection problem occurs.

public static Playlist getOfflinePlaylist (AudioBoxClient audioBoxClient)

Gets the offline playlist.

NOTE: this method will always make a request against AudioBox, use carefully. If you want to avoid this behavior consider storing the playlist collection within your application and use findPlaylistByType(java.util.List, String) in combination with the Playlists#PLAYLIST_* constants to get the right playlist from the memory.

audioBoxClient the AudioBoxClient to use to make the request
  • the offline playlist
AudioBoxException if any of the remote error exception is detected.
IOException if any connection problem occurs.

public static Playlist getOneDrivePlaylist (AudioBoxClient audioBoxClient)

Gets the skydrive playlist.

NOTE: this method will always make a request against AudioBox, use carefully. If you want to avoid this behavior consider storing the playlist collection within your application and use findPlaylistByType(java.util.List, String) in combination with the Playlists#PLAYLIST_* constants to get the right playlist from the memory.

audioBoxClient the AudioBoxClient to use to make the request
  • the one drive playlist
AudioBoxException if any of the remote error exception is detected.
IOException if any connection problem occurs.

public static String getPath ()

Gets the generic remote resource collection path.

  • the path

public List<Playlist> getPlaylists ()

Gets playlists.

  • the playlists collection.

public static Playlist getSoundcloudPlaylist (AudioBoxClient audioBoxClient)

Gets the soundcloud playlist.

NOTE: this method will always make a request against AudioBox, use carefully. If you want to avoid this behavior consider storing the playlist collection within your application and use findPlaylistByType(java.util.List, String) in combination with the Playlists#PLAYLIST_* constants to get the right playlist from the memory.

audioBoxClient the AudioBoxClient to use to make the request
  • the soundcloud playlist
AudioBoxException if any of the remote error exception is detected.
IOException if any connection problem occurs.

public static Playlist getYoutubePlaylist (AudioBoxClient audioBoxClient)

Gets the youtube playlist.

NOTE: this method will always make a request against AudioBox, use carefully. If you want to avoid this behavior consider storing the playlist collection within your application and use findPlaylistByType(java.util.List, String) in combination with the Playlists#PLAYLIST_* constants to get the right playlist from the memory.

audioBoxClient the AudioBoxClient to use to make the request
  • the youtube playlist
AudioBoxException if any of the remote error exception is detected.
IOException if any connection problem occurs.