public class


extends RemoteMessageException
   ↳ java.lang.Throwable
     ↳ java.lang.Exception
         ↳ fm.audiobox.core.exceptions.AudioBoxException
           ↳ fm.audiobox.core.exceptions.RemoteMessageException
             ↳ fm.audiobox.core.exceptions.SystemOverloadedException

Class Overview

This exception is thrown when AudioBox servers are overloaded or same job submitted too fast. The application should ensure to accept those errors and retry accordingly after few minutes.

Its main usage is to handle 503 HttpStatus messages.


Inherited Fields
From class fm.audiobox.core.exceptions.AudioBoxException
Public Constructors
SystemOverloadedException(HttpResponse response)
Instantiates a new SystemOverloadedException exception.
Public Methods
String getRetryAfter()
Gets the number in seconds in form of a string of the period to wait in order to try the next request.
int getRetryAfterInSeconds()
Gets the number in second of the period to wait in order to try the next request.
Inherited Methods
From class fm.audiobox.core.exceptions.RemoteMessageException
From class fm.audiobox.core.exceptions.AudioBoxException
From class java.lang.Throwable
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public SystemOverloadedException (HttpResponse response)

Instantiates a new SystemOverloadedException exception.

response the response

Public Methods

public String getRetryAfter ()

Gets the number in seconds in form of a string of the period to wait in order to try the next request.

  • the retry after time in seconds in form of a string

public int getRetryAfterInSeconds ()

Gets the number in second of the period to wait in order to try the next request.

  • the retry after time in seconds