
pgBouncer Helm Chart

This chart deploys a pgBouncer instance to your Kubernetes cluster via Helm.


Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-pgbouncer:

helm install my-pgbouncer oci://ghcr.io/icoretech/charts/pgbouncer
helm repo add icoretech https://icoretech.github.io/helm
helm install my-pgbouncer icoretech/pgbouncer

This command deploys a pgBouncer instance with default configuration.


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the pgBouncer chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
replicaCount Number of pgBouncer replicas; adjust for scalability. 1
updateStrategy Strategy for updating pods. Use Recreate or specify RollingUpdate settings. {}
minReadySeconds Seconds to wait before marking a pod as ready. Helps manage rollouts. 0
revisionHistoryLimit Number of old ReplicaSets to retain for rollback. 10
imagePullSecrets Secrets for accessing private image registries. Format: [{"name": "mySecret"}]. []
image.registry Registry URL for the pgBouncer image. ""
image.repository Image repository for pgBouncer. ghcr.io/icoretech/pgbouncer-docker
image.tag Specific image tag to use. 1.23.1-fixed
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy. Options: Always, Never, IfNotPresent. IfNotPresent
command Custom entrypoint command for pgbouncer container []
args Custom entrypoint args for pgbouncer container []
service.type Kubernetes Service type (e.g., ClusterIP, NodePort). ClusterIP
service.port Port for the pgBouncer service. 5432
podLabels Custom labels for pods. Format: key: value. {}
podAnnotations Annotations for pods, e.g., for Prometheus. {}
extraEnvs Extra environment variables for the pod. Format: [{"name": "VAR", "value": "value"}]. []
resources CPU and memory resources for the container. Example: limits: { cpu: "100m", memory: "200Mi" }. {}
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment. Format: key: value. {}
lifecycle Custom lifecycle hooks. {}
tolerations Tolerations for pod scheduling. []
affinity Pod affinity and anti-affinity rules. {}
priorityClassName Sets priority class for the pod. ""
runtimeClassName Runtime class for pods (e.g., for using gVisor). ""
config.userlist Mapping of usernames to credentials following https://www.pgbouncer.org/config.html#authentication-file-format {}
config.existingUserlistSecret Existing Secret containing userlist.txt key with value following https://www.pgbouncer.org/config.html#authentication-file-format {}
config.adminUser Admin username required by pgBouncer. admin
config.adminPassword Admin password; use with a secret for security. undefined
config.authUser Auth user for client connections; set if different from adminUser. Ignored if existingUserlistSecret is set. undefined
config.authPassword Password for the authUser. Ignored if existingUserlistSecret is set. undefined
config.databases Database connection info. Format: dbName: {host: "host", port: "port"}. {}
config.pgbouncer pgBouncer-specific settings. Example: pool_mode: transaction. {}
extraContainers Additional containers in the pod. Useful for sidecars. []
extraInitContainers Init containers to run before main containers start. []
extraVolumeMounts Additional volume mounts for containers. []
extraVolumes Additional volumes for the pod. Useful for configs or secrets. []
pgbouncerExporter.enabled Enables pgBouncer metrics exporter for Prometheus. false
pgbouncerExporter.port Port for the metrics exporter. 9127
pgbouncerExporter.podMonitor Create a PodMonitor resource for Prometheus scraping. Requires pgbouncerExporter.enabled: true. false
serviceAccount.create Whether to create a new service account. Set to false if using an existing one. true
serviceAccount.name The service account’s name. Leave blank to auto-generate. ""
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations for the service account. {}
podDisruptionBudget.enabled Enable PDB to ensure availability during disruptions. false

Example using Flux

apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2
kind: HelmRepository
  name: icoretech
  interval: 30m
  type: oci
  url: oci://ghcr.io/icoretech/charts
apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1
kind: HelmRelease
  name: pgbouncer
  namespace: default
  releaseName: pgbouncer
      chart: pgbouncer
      version: ">= 2.3.0"
        kind: HelmRepository
        name: icoretech
        namespace: flux-system
  interval: 3m0s
      retries: 3
      adminPassword: myadminpassword
          host: postgresql
          port: 5432
        server_tls_sslmode: prefer
        ignore_startup_parameters: extra_float_digits
        pool_mode: transaction
        auth_type: scram-sha-256
        max_client_conn: 8192
        max_db_connections: 200
        default_pool_size: 100
        log_connections: 1
        log_disconnections: 1
        log_pooler_errors: 1
        application_name_add_host: 1
        # verbose: 1
        # SELECT rolname, rolpassword FROM pg_authid;
        myuser: SCRAM-SHA-256$4096:xxxxx=