This Helm chart deploys Nextjs apps without dependencies.
To install the chart with the release name my-nextjsapp
helm install my-nextjsapp oci:// \
--set web.image=yourusername/yourimage:tag \
--set web.extraEnvs[0].name=MYVAR1,web.extraEnvs[0].value=value1 \
--set web.extraEnvs[1].name=MYVAR2,web.extraEnvs[1].value=value2
helm repo add icoretech
helm install my-nextjsapp icoretech/nextjs \
--set web.image=yourusername/yourimage:tag \
--set web.extraEnvs[0].name=MYVAR1,web.extraEnvs[0].value=value1 \
--set web.extraEnvs[1].name=MYVAR2,web.extraEnvs[1].value=value2
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Airbroke chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
nameOverride |
String to partially override app.fullname | "" |
fullnameOverride |
String to fully override app.fullname | "" |
web.image |
Docker image for the web application | "" |
web.imagePullPolicy |
Image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
web.imagePullSecrets |
Image pull secrets, must be present in namespace | "" |
web.terminationGracePeriodSeconds |
Grace period for shutdown | 0 |
web.replicaCount |
Number of replicas to run | 1 |
web.runtimeClassName |
Select the container runtime configuration | `` |
web.updateStrategy |
Update strategy to use | {type: RollingUpdate, rollingUpdate: {maxUnavailable: 0, maxSurge: 1}} |
web.cachePersistentVolume.enabled |
Enables a PersistentVolumeClaim for caching | false |
web.cachePersistentVolume.storageClass |
The storage class to use for the PVC | "" |
web.cachePersistentVolume.existingClaim |
An existing PVC to use for the cache | "" |
web.cachePersistentVolume.accessModes |
The access modes for the PVC | ["ReadWriteOnce"] |
web.cachePersistentVolume.annotations |
Annotations to add to the PVC | {} |
web.cachePersistentVolume.size |
The size of the PVC | 1Gi |
web.cachePersistentVolume.volumeMode |
The volume mode for the PVC | "" |
web.cachePersistentVolume.mountPath |
The path to mount the volume in the container | /app/.next/cache |
web.hpa.enabled |
Enables the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler | false |
web.hpa.maxReplicas |
Maximum number of replicas for HPA | 10 |
web.hpa.cpu |
Average CPU usage per pod for HPA | |
web.hpa.memory |
Average memory usage per pod for HPA | |
web.hpa.requests |
Average HTTP requests per second per pod for HPA | |
web.ingress.enabled |
Enables Ingress | false |
web.ingress.ingressClassName |
Ingress class name | nginx |
web.ingress.annotations |
Annotations for Ingress | {} |
web.ingress.hosts |
Hosts for Ingress | [] |
web.ingress.tls |
TLS configuration for Ingress | [] |
web.service.enabled |
Enables service | true |
web.service.type |
Type of service | ClusterIP |
web.service.port |
Service port | 3000 |
web.livenessProbe.enabled |
Enables liveness probe | false |
web.livenessProbe.httpGet.endpoint |
Endpoint for liveness probe | /api/hc?source=livenessProbe |
web.livenessProbe.httpGet.httpHeaders |
HTTP headers for liveness probe | [] |
web.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
Initial delay for liveness probe | 0 |
web.livenessProbe.periodSeconds |
Period seconds for liveness probe | 10 |
web.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
Timeout seconds for liveness probe | 5 |
web.livenessProbe.failureThreshold |
Failure threshold for liveness probe | 2 |
web.livenessProbe.successThreshold |
Success threshold for liveness probe | 1 |
web.readinessProbe.enabled |
Enables readiness probe | false |
web.readinessProbe.httpGet.endpoint |
Endpoint for readiness probe | /api/hc?source=readinessProbe |
web.readinessProbe.httpGet.httpHeaders |
HTTP headers for readiness probe | [] |
web.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
Initial delay for readiness probe | 0 |
web.readinessProbe.periodSeconds |
Period seconds for readiness probe | 10 |
web.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
Timeout seconds for readiness probe | 5 |
web.readinessProbe.failureThreshold |
Failure threshold for readiness probe | 2 |
web.readinessProbe.successThreshold |
Success threshold for readiness probe | 1 |
web.resources |
CPU/Memory resource requests/limits | {} |
web.nodeSelector |
Node labels for pod assignment | {} |
web.tolerations |
Tolerations for pod assignment | [] |
web.affinity |
Affinity settings for pod assignment | {} |
web.extraEnvs |
Additional environment variables | [] |
web.podDisruptionBudget.enabled |
Enable PDB to ensure availability during disruptions. | false |